Wednesday 8 June 2011

Giant Penises On School Lawn Seen From Space

Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Times one million.
Sometimes the stars just align and the hidden forces of the universe propel an already high quality caper into the upper echelons of pranking folklore.
It started with the by now fairly well known exploit of using weed killer to paint large pictures of penises onto an area of grass, say a school oval or quadrangle. In addition to penises, giant arses are also a favourite. Sometimes the two motifs appear together and if the artists are particularly adept, one may be seen entering the other.
As the painted grass dies and the surrounding grass grows, the pictures are revealed. Even better, since the grass forming them has been killed, the “art” cannot be removed by simply mowing and will endure for weeks.
Despite having been perpetrated many times around the world, this is still a quality prank and any youths succeeding in such an endeavour should feel justly proud of their work.
And so it was that some students at Fairfield College in Waikato, New Zealand continued the tradition. By sheer good fortune, the Google Maps satellite passed overhead, snapping their work in full flower, thus disseminating it to the world and preserving it for all eternity. The linked article contains a hilarious last paragraph. I won't spoil it.
The artwork is still on Google Maps at the date of this post. Search for Fairfield College, Chartwell, Waikato. Zoom in and to the west of Bankwood Rd, you will see the famous “Fairfield Phalluses”.
My only criticism of the work: that school oval to the left is crying out for a giant arse that can be seen from space, possibly with a giant phallus halfway up it.

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