Tuesday, 25 October 2011

Chuck A Brown Eye At Corporate Greed

Smash the capitalist system by chucking brown eyes!
Liam Warriner was arrested for mooning the Queen as her motorcade drove by. He was also part of the Occupy (insert city) protests.
What’s the point of just sitting in Martin Place or Federation Square chanting dopey slogans? Why don’t all of you go and stand outside the head office of a big bank or miner and brown eye its staff as they arrive for work and then again as they leave?
Shout: “You’ve licked enough of these to get where you are! Give ours a clean! Rimming is not just for the rich!”
How are the police going to arrest 1,000 or more people for chucking brown eyes? Organise flash mobs to descend on a different target each day in a game of cat and mouse with the authorities.
Those corporate fat cats would soon think twice about stealing from the shareholders via exorbitant and unearned remuneration packages if they had to run a gauntlet of brown eyes from the great unwashed each morning!
On a more serious note, I notice that Liam Warriner was also charged with willful exposure under the Summary Offences Act 2005.
The problem is that this charge specifically relates to exposing one's genitalia, which is not the same as mooning. It is laid against genuine pervs who derive sexual gratification from flashing at people. The conviction doesn’t have in brackets (only mooning) on your criminal record, so he’ll always be on a police database of pervs. Even if he’s found not guilty, the police will still maintain the charge record on a database somewhere.
Later in this guy’s life, if there is ever a rapist in the area, or some dirty old man flashing at kids or trying to photograph them, he’ll be on the police shortlist of people to speak to. It could possibly even count against him if he ever wants to teach or otherwise work with children.
Does he really deserve this? Surely a Section 6 public nuisance charge is sufficient. He’s only going to get a fine anyway.
This is where the police need to act with some restraint. Even if you do think he’s a dickhead, mouthing off with his wannabe left wing hero slogans, don’t be even bigger dickheads and potentially cause him problems for the rest of his life by charging him with an offence which most would interpret as having a sexual undertone and is usually intended for low level perverts.
Additionally, mooning the queen’s motorcade from a distance is not much of an effort. Surely at least a pressed ham with smallgoods on her window would have been a more appropriate protest against elitism.
If the paparazzi had caught a snap of her maj from the right angle, her shocked face would have been framed in a bumprint on the window, perhaps with some ghostly smallgoods on her chin.

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