Monday 13 February 2012

Happy To Pay For Your Trip Home – As Long As It’s One Way

The sheer cheek beggars belief: the Islamic Women’s Welfare Association has told the Federal Government that it should give tax deductions to newly arrived migrants so they can visit relatives in their homelands. Their reasons?
"Migrants face a lot of sacrifices such as having to travel long distances to visit relatives, spending on communication costs, missing out on some events occurring in native countries."
"This loss should be compensated by the Government in one way or the other to retain migrants in their country of adoption."
If that wasn’t enough, they also stated that
“Muslims prefer to live close to their own people.”
and that the Australian government should
“consider how to facilitate the purchase of homes for new migrants".
Australia regularly advertises in Muslim countries for immigrants because we’re struggling to build our population. It’s so difficult to find people who want to move here. After much research, we decided that what we really need in this country are poorly educated people who don’t speak English, come from medieval, tribal based cultures, follow an aggressive, dogmatic, alien religion, express little interest in assimilating and generally reject Australian culture and values, whilst being happy to claim all the benefits of Western society, including social security and free healthcare.
Australia is so grateful to you that you’ve sacrificed so much to grace us with your presence. We recognise that you had several countries vying for your considerable talents and your net value add since arriving has been enormous.
Just like key employees, we’d better make sure you’re adequately compensated. We wouldn’t want you choosing to take your unique services elsewhere.
If you ever deign to get off welfare and actually work for a living, I guess the Australian taxpayers should throw in a car as well.
The quote “Muslims prefer to live close to their own people”  is telling. This epitomises the problem with Muslim immigrants from the Middle East and Asia in particular. Far too many want to stick with “their own people” and have no intention of assimilating. They want to keep bringing more people like them over here and create their own areas, with their own rules. They don’t see that if they make a life here, Australians should be “their own people”.
This is why so many Australians don’t want them here. It’s not our fault. It’s theirs, because of their attitude. They reject our values, with dissembling such as “We’ll be Australians, but in our own way.”
It’s a cultural issue. It becomes racial because so many immigrants use their own race to identify which culture they want to adhere to. Even the more moderate, open minded ones don’t speak up enough and tell the others to fit in.
Here are some ideas:
How about you work and save for the things you want in life, as the rest of us do?
If you move here, make an effort to understand the social structures which made Australia the free and prosperous society you wanted to come and live in. Value and support them. That includes learning English.
Don’t think you’re entitled to special areas, rules, allocations or representatives in parliament. You’re not. Things don’t work that way here, except in a few areas for Aboriginals.
If there is an incompatibility between Australian culture and your own, you change your behaviour. I don’t mean things like food where it’s simply different. I mean mutually exclusive things, like forced marriage and showing your face in public. Australian soldiers are not “foreign troops”.
If you can’t do this, then you have no place here. Australians can pay for your ticket back “home”. While you’re leaving, we’ll cancel your passport and citizenship, since you clearly obtained them by fraud: lying under oath.
I pledge my loyalty to Australia and its people, whose democratic beliefs I share, whose rights and liberties I respect, and whose laws I will uphold and obey.
Some immigrants obtain Australian citizenship as a flag of convenience, to avoid deportation back to the socially repressive, often violent, economically backward shitholes from which they came. The above words mean nothing to them.
These people aren't that hard to identify. If we threw them out as the frauds they are, we'd have a lot less trouble with "multiculturalism" and its ensuing identity politics and separatism.

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