Friday 18 May 2012

Spoilt Brat Sues School For Being Too Dumb To Get Into Sydney Uni Law

There’s no satire as effective as self parody. A spoilt brat and her delusional mother are suing Geelong Grammar school because she failed to get into first year Law at Sydney University, despite the fact that she only attended the school in 2008 - 2009, then completed her HSC at a Sydney TAFE college in 2010 - 2011.
Of course, it was totally impossible to follow the path of so many other students who have previously failed to get into Law: enroll in a B.A., take Government 1 and Legal Institutions 1, get distinctions, then transfer to Law in second year. She couldn’t take the first year B.Ec. route because she is extremely thick at maths and thus couldn’t handle the quantitative side of the syllabus.
Apparently it was also not good enough for Miss Rose Ashton-Weir (self parody apparently extant from birth) to attend one of the other Australian universities which may have accepted her into their LL.B.
One valuable outcome of this episode is that the publicity will hopefully cause people to remember the name Rose Ashton-Weir and her picture. Someone that spoilt and delusional is basically unemployable. Can you imagine being in a relationship with her? Being married to her (with accompanying mother-in-law)?
Suing the school for not “getting the support I needed to really excel'' is the epitome of Generation Me. So deluded with an almost constant stream of undeserved affirmation, no failure to realize their wants is ever their own fault.
If you’re looking for someone to blame for your failures, go and stand in front of a mirror, with your mother behind you. If you can only get 8 out of 68 in an ordinary high school maths test, you are just plain thick. Did it occur to you that the real reason you didn’t get into Sydney Uni Law is simply that there are many people your own age who are more intelligent and hard working than yourself?
Of course not; we discourage children from competing these days, because losing might harm their fragile self esteem. Actually, it teaches them that there is almost always someone more capable than you, so if you want to achieve a meaningful goal, you’ll need to work hard and persevere through setbacks.
The mother is just as bad. She’s also suing, for the cost of moving to Sydney and foregone revenue from her fortune cookie business (seriously). Quite right. It’s all Geelong Grammar’s fault you decided to move interstate. Your daughter couldn’t have gone to any other private or government school in Melbourne.
The real problem here is the law. Citizens should have the right to make formal civil complaints, but there should be a reasonableness test. If a complaint would be viewed by any reasonable person as frivolous, vexatious or speculative, full costs should be awarded jointly and severally against the plaintiffs and their lawyers as a deterrent. That is in theory partly what already happens, in that the court should award costs against the plaintiff, which is in a punitive sense jointly against their lawyers if the plaintiff is unable to pay their bill. However, sometimes judges lack resolve and simply find in favour of the defendant without sufficient redress as to costs. Additionally, if the plaintiff cannot pay the defendant's costs, the defendant has no legal avenue to pursue the plaintiff's lawyers.
That is likely the case here. Why should Geelong Grammar have to foot any amount of legal costs to defend this claim? Not only should this patently ridiculous, frivolous and speculative suit be thrown out, this is exactly the type of case where full costs should be awarded against the plaintiffs AND their lawyers for pursuing it.
Australia should not head down or even anywhere near the American path, where every suboptimal outcome is manufactured into an injustice and compensation sought from whomever is blamed via their overbearing legal system. In particular, defendants should be confident they can fight and win costs in cases which appear to have an element of legal blackmail; that is, to pressure the defendant to offer an out of court settlement.
I know what would do this spoilt little bitch a world of good: that pouting, whiny, but quite attractive face, full of petulant entitlement needs to be covered in a big load, preferably straight from Fingo’s rainbow coloured schlong. The mother can just put a bag over her head.

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