Saturday 15 September 2012

The Country Would Be So Much Better With A Venomous Old Queen In Charge

There aren’t many young, misogynist, gay men. It seems to be a generational thing. There are very few young, gay guys who aren’t comfortable around women, don’t have women friends and generally eschew the company of women. As gay people have become more comfortable with their sexuality, significantly because the majority of (Western) society have realized there are far more important things in life than moralizing about what other adults do in the privacy of their own homes, the separatism which was a significant subculture within the gay community has largely evaporated in the younger male generation.
There is however, a subset of older, gay men who really do not like women (or most people for that matter). Nasty, bitchy, poisonous old queens1.
There’s a different kind of separatist subculture amongst lesbians, with its origin in left wing, feminist politics: men are responsible for the oppression of militarism, capitalism, racism, sexism and therefore most of the world’s evils, from war to famine to sexual abuse to global warming.
Separatist lesbians don’t like gay men because they see them as vacuous and apolitical, aspiring lumpen-bourgeoisie. As a result, many gay men are suspicious of most lesbians. They see them as ugly, aggressive and humourless (as indeed, some of them are).
I’ve never met Alan Jones, but he makes (more than) enough public comments to give one a sense of the man. He strikes me as the archetypal, poisonous old queen.
There’s nothing particularly bad about occasionally being misanthropic, but in such moods, one should hold both sexes in equal contempt. The venomous misogyny which so often suffuses Alan Jones’ references to women is something altogether different.
His railings against Julia Gillard seem to have that extra dimension. There was his over reliance on referring to Director of Military Prosecutions, Lynn McDade as “this woman”. I remember hearing the sneering contempt in his voice.
Women are wrecking the joint, eh? I agree that Julia Gillard, Christine Nixon and Clover Moore are all poor performers, but I doubt that has much to do with their gender.
The problem with Jones’ misogyny is that it obscures his political points.
Lynn McDade should not have had the power to ultimately decide whether Australian soldiers are prosecuted for acts committed in combat, because she has never been in combat and therefore could not have adequately understood the soldiers’ situation. That’s not to say she should be unable to have input from a legal perspective; just not the decision making role. Being a woman should exclude her not per se, but because of the circumstances: Australian women do not serve in combat roles. Many men should also have been excluded from that decision making role.
I don’t want $320 million of taxpayers’ money spent by Australia promoting Pacific island women in business and politics either. It smacks of a typical, lefty pet project: lacking in clear measures of performance, wasteful, open to abuse, largely unaccountable and funded as always with someone else’s money.
But how about some evidence based, rational analysis, instead of invective ultimately focusing the listener on Jones’ psychological problems with women instead of the political issues?
Of course, Australia would be a far better country with an ignorant, venomous old queen at the helm. The ministries could be staffed entirely with athletic, young men. Instead of taxing them, we could pay energy firms to produce more CO2. It’s not a pollutant: plants thrive on the stuff.
We could all hold our heads up high as our PM gave the opening address at the APEC summit after having been charged with "outraging public decency" and "committing an indecent act" in a London public toilet.
“I was just looking at his cock to make sure he didn’t piss on my shoes, Your Honour.”
1 Not all gay men are queens, but all queens are at least a bit poisonous; some are highly venomous.

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