Thursday 31 January 2013

Nanny State Nerd Thinks He Can Ban Smoking On Public Streets

Government has a right to tell citizens they can’t smoke in a public park, or walking down the street? City of Melbourne Councillor Richard Foster thinks it does. He wants to ban smoking in all public spaces ie. anywhere which isn’t private land within City of Melbourne Council boundaries. He then admitted he will try to have the ban extended across all of Victoria.
Here are the consequences of what this little turd is proposing. It would be illegal to:
  • Have a quiet puff while waiting on the street for a friend.
  • Step outside the pub with a couple of mates for a quick ciggy.
  • Eat your lunch in the park, then light up afterward.
This is what Richard Foster believes he has the right to tell other people they cannot do. He’d probably counter that non-smokers have a right not to be assaulted by other people’s cigarette smoke.
Yeah, in a crowded place, such as a food court or sports stadium, where people are close by necessity and can’t avoid a significant dose of someone else’s smoke.
But to posit that someone’s amenity or indeed health is materially affected by the smell of a burning cigarette or a waft of smoke in a public street or park is absurd. You’ll suffer greater health risks from air pollution due to traffic, or stress.
I’m not a smoker, but I don’t believe I have a right to prevent people smoking outdoors if all I’m going to get is the occasional waft of their smoke.
Smoking in open spaces like public parks does not need to be regulated by a nanny state; common courtesy should suffice.
If someone is sitting on a park bench next to you, ask them if they mind if you smoke. If they do, then either don’t, or get up and smoke somewhere else. If you want to sit down on a park bench and someone is already sitting there smoking, don’t ask them to put it out: either put up with it or go somewhere else.
You’ll be surprised to discover that someone so puffed up with self righteousness as Richard Foster is an inner city, lefty lawyer. In fact, he’s president of the Carlton branch of the ALP.
Just look at the weasely, little shit. He’s such a stereotype: weedy, stupid glasses, stupid look on his face, a jerk’s body language. People like this just ask to be punched.

Melbourne city councillor Richard Foster who wants to ban smoking from all public places in Melbourne.
On hearing it, many people who don’t smoke might have thought Foster’s proposal was not a bad thing .. but it is, because agreeing with it, or even acquiescing to it allows people like Richard Foster to succeed in their pet project of foisting an interminable number of rules upon all of us and implementing a smothering nanny state, in which almost all social interactions are regulated.
Do you really believe that if Richard Foster gets his way with this smoking ban, he will stop there? People like him can’t help themselves: they spend their days dreaming up regulations to stamp out their pet hates and to stop anyone doing anything which may offend their sensibilities.
No deep philosophical principle need be espoused in response to this nanny state proposal. “Who the fuck are you to tell me what to do, you little cunt?” should suffice.
How will the ban be enforced anyway?
Can you imagine a council ranger coming up to a group of tradies having a durry on their break or a group of blokes outside a pub and trying to issue them a fine? Good luck with that.
If this stupid, draconian regulation succeeds in being implemented, smokers should simply ignore it. If a ranger asks for your name, it’s Richard Foster.
Actually, smokers should organise a mass protest. All go to Federation Square or one of the parks in Carlton and light up. How are they going to arrest or fine thousands of people?
If you want to tell Richard Foster what you think of his proposal, he can be contacted on 0418 148 698 or

1 comment:

  1. Wow. Those protests were huge. Yep. Not one protest. Not one person rallied. There's 10 smoke-free public precincts in Melbourne now thanks to this, and we're all better for it. You seem to be missing the overwhelming evidence that passive smoke harms people. And you encourage violence against someone for having a view like this (whether you agree with him or not)? You do yourself no credit.
