Thursday 18 July 2013

Bring Back The Buff!

A big, fat, bald bloke ran almost the length of the field in the nude as Queensland were attacking the NSW line in the State Of Origin decider tonight.
Really? Are you sure the setting of scrums hasn't already achieved this? Or David Gallop's management? Or players' off field behaviour? Is rugby league taking itself a little too seriously?
Let’s get some perspective. Rugby league might be a business, but it’s still a set of games, the results of which don't really matter. They engender nothing but minor financial consequences (compared to, say, the carbon tax or comments by the governor of the Reserve Bank) and perhaps a bit of pride.
Rugby league has had a litany of scandal, with dumb, overpaid, drunken yobbos gang banging women and passing them around like toys, but you’re worried about a streaker?
He did actually disrupt Queensland’s attack as security guards eventually tackled him. But, frankly, so what? Did women and children die as a result? Was the economy sent into a tailspin? Was global warming accelerated?
It didn’t even change the result of the game. In fact, the streaker was the best part.
Millions of viewers around the globe watched on aghast”.
No they didn’t. Most were laughing and cheering him on, as they should. Here’s a bit of video footage, including Greg Bird’s dive.
Streakers used to be common, especially at the cricket. I’m not suggesting that sporting contests be invaded by streakers every ten minutes. Quality needs to come before quantity so the act doesn’t get old.
Most spectators (and commentators) used to have a bit of a chuckle when some bloke who’d had a few too many decided to get his gear off and go for a trot. So it briefly disrupted play. People had a few laughs and it taught us not to take it all too seriously.
Now commentators and officials try to act as if it were some heinous social offence.
No it isn’t. It’s fucking funny and there should be more of it. Take a bow, Wati Holmwood!

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