Wednesday 20 June 2012

Raped Because A Cunt Of A Bus Driver Wouldn't Let Her Off 20p

I’m going to begin with two quotes from Alexis De Tocqueville1, the first on the nature of contemporary government and the second on the conditions for tyranny to establish itself, despite, or rather under a democratic system:
“In Europe, public administration is becoming more centralised, more inquisitive and minute. It gains a firmer footing each day above, about and around all private persons, to assist, advise and coerce them.”
“An innumerable multitude of men, all equal and alike, incessantly endeavouring to procure the petty and paltry pleasures with which they glut their lives. Each of them, living apart, is a stranger to the fate of all the rest; his children and private friends constitute to him the whole of mankind.”
Europe in 1835 or now?
… and so a 19 year old girl was short 20p of a ₤5 fare on the last (3am) bus home from the centre of Nottingham. The useless jobsworth of a bus driver wouldn’t let her on: it was against regulations. No passenger got sick of sitting there during eight minutes (according to CCTV) of arguing about the fare and simply paid the 20p for her: it's not my problem. The result?
She was raped and brutally bashed while walking home.
The most useful thing that can be done to try to lessen the chances of something like this ever happening again is name the bus driver and show CCTV footage of him and the bus passengers sitting there, uncaring as to her fate.
Don’t let these cunts hide behind some pretence of a right to anonymity, as if they haven’t done anything wrong … they have.
Prime examples of the lumpen middle class … so lazy, ignorant and cowardly that they won’t even participate in their own struggle against the great rule making enterprise. Don’t get up and tell the driver to get on with it, don’t give her the 20p and report the bus driver, just sit there in ovine silence for eight minutes while two people with whom you’d rather not get involved have an argument.
Eight fucking minutes? I’d have been up after 30 seconds!
If I’d been sitting on the last bus at 3am, waiting to get going, I’d have walked down the aisle and paid the extra 20p, just to get the show on the road. Additionally, I’d have given the shit kicker of a bus driver a serve for fucking me around.
Apparently, it’s OK for the bus company, Trent Barton to publish the name of its commercial director, Alex Hornby while making a mealy mouthed statement, but not the cunt of a bus driver who in many people’s minds bears a significant amount of responsibility for a young woman being raped, all for 20p which wasn’t even his money ... you absolute piece of shit!
I’m sure people know who he is … let’s get his name up on the web.
Western society is definitely becoming more bureaucratic. A particular downside is that coupling this with universal suffrage has allowed absolute peons like this bus driver to hide behind petty rules, policies and procedures, using them to take the abject pathos of their lives out on the rest of us by making situations unnecessarily difficult and generally being as lazy and unhelpful as possible.
There was a time when they couldn't get away with it. Giving bad service led to the sack. Now they hide behind inch thick, union negotiated HR manuals and unfair dismissal laws - and the most misused device to deflect censure for not doing your job properly: anonymity.
"I don't have to give you my name, sir. It's against company / department policy for employees to provide their names to the public." I take their photo when they try this crap on.
How could not a single one of the people who had just paid a ₤5 fare not bear to part with another 20p; 1/25th of what they'd just paid? Was there not a single real man on the bus who wouldn't leave a young girl to walk home alone at 3am? Was there not a single woman who felt any sympathy for her?
The victim should sue the bus company Trent Barton and the driver personally. Hound him into bankruptcy. A suit against the bus company should be a clear win.
Predictably, the company began its defence by telling lies:
“Our own investigations reveal that at no point did our driver refuse or deny this customer travel on our service that night and we remain committed to assisting the police in their enquiries in bringing the assailant to justice.”
However, after evidence was produced refuting this dishonesty, the bus company's Commercial Director, Alex Hornby admitted their complicity by saying: "Our driver did not follow his training."
Even worse was Nottingham DCI Rob Griffin's assessment, because it perpetuates the dominance of "not my responsibility, it's the government's" over civil society and personal responsibility:
“The fact is if the victim had got on the bus the likelihood is someone else would have been attacked. The only person to blame is Joseph Moran.”
Someone else would have been attacked if it wasn't her ... and this from a senior policeman who has probably many times asked for public help in solving and preventing crime.
Well if it's going to be someone, chuck her out and let's get on home. What utter bullshit. The bus driver bears a significant amount of blame and none of the passengers are innocent. In fact, everyone who tolerates abrogating their personal freedoms and commensurate responsibilities to the state bears some blame for helping to create a social climate in which no-one had the spine to stand up and help a girl against a worthless shitkicker who would have shrugged his shoulders and put her in danger over 20p of his employer's money.
What has happened to the British? They used to be people one could respect. They appear to have chosen an illusion of safety over their former self reliance and assertiveness. What pathetically snivelling, mealy mouthed society have they become? Certainly not the nation which colonized a quarter of the globe and left a lasting legacy of culture and institutions (in fact, many of them have now been taught to be ashamed of it). It’s no co-incidence North America is the most powerful society on Earth AND speaks English.
Will the nation which gave the world modern Liberalism and fought the Nazis for six years in the name of liberty now meekly surrender it to a cabal of home grown, bureaucratic socialist ideologues?
Here’s an excellent article by Jenny McCartney on the rape and the gutlessness of the modern Brit.
Keep abrogating your liberty to the state in the name of someone else's perverse definition of equality, keep feeling ashamed of your global heritage, keep eschewing every institution and social structure that made Britain worth something, keep listening to the fifth column of identity politics hand wringers and immigrant opportunists who hate you … and you’ll be a province of the Caliphate by 2050.
1 Alexis De Tocqueville Democracy In America (1835).

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