Monday 14 November 2011

Vale Peter Roebuck ... Ya Dirty Old Perv

Peter Roebuck’s predilection for the overzealous caning of young boys appears to have finally caught up with him. Apparently, he leapt to his death from the balcony of his sixth floor hotel room while police were questioning him regarding a sexual assault complaint.
The South African police have refused to comment on the precise allegations which prompted their questioning of Roebuck. Given the nature of his previous conviction and his somewhat hasty departure from the hotel room, it’s unlikely the current complaint was your standard sportsman or politician pressuring a young woman into sex.
One can only speculate based on the available evidence, but it does look very much like he had been up to something pervy with young boys.
Vex News has a different take on events from the mainstream press, including excerpts from Roebuck’s 2001 trial:
In a statement, the victim said Roebuck told him: "I'm going to cane you now. Then it will be over and I will forgive you and, if I don't cane you, I will feel differently about you."
Roebuck asked the boy to bend over and delivered three "forceful strokes" over his clothing.
Roebuck then pulled the boy towards him, in what appeared to be an act of affection. He then asked if he could look at the marks on the boy's buttocks, something which he in fact did.
When passing sentence, the judge observed:
"It was not appropriate to administer corporal punishment to boys of this age in circumstances such as these. It seems so unusual that it must have been done to satisfy some need in you”.
Rumours about Peter Roebuck had been circulating in the cricket fraternity even before his conviction, particularly that he enjoyed caning little black and brown boys just a bit too much. In fact, Fingo and teammates were discussing this very topic at training only a few weeks ago.
It is not known whether Roebuck liked to soften the young bottoms up with a good reaming, prior to administering his brand of strictly applied corporal punishment, but I believe that is the standard “old school” method. Giving the boys a cuddle and inspecting the marks afterward adds a soupcon of idiosyncratic perversion; a fleeting whiff of the miasma which infested this man’s soul.
When coaching or teaching young boys, it is important to be able administer discipline efficiently. Below is an example of what RTBB will now call “The Roebuck Method”. With the aid of a step ladder, multiple boys can be reamed, then caned at the same time, with the resulting “train tracks” and snail trails easily inspected and documented.

The above method is rumoured to have been employed in the Knox Grammar School boarding house.
Perhaps Peter Roebuck’s ghost will haunt boarding houses around the globe. Teenage (and perhaps younger) boys will occasionally feel a ghostly swish across their bare buttocks as they step out of the shower or bend over to pick up their shoes.
Additionally, why are people heaping praise on his cricket journalism? He talked shit.


  1. One doesn't hop off the edge of a 6th storey balcony unless one has a few child-sized skeletons in the closet. I particularly enjoyed the sign off for one article on his suicide: "Roebuck died as he lived; all alone in the midst of a cricket tour". Who knows where he found solace on those lonesome nights?

  2. The police have yet to peruse his private video collection. He may turn out to be the Max Mosley of the cricket world, but being beaten by male prostitutes, rather than female ones.

  3. I have a rather morbid hope that they do uncover some extensive collection of twisted and perverted child pornography in his private storage - nothing quite like horrific revelations to shatter the post-mortem circlejerk.

  4. The boys in the photo above were caned for engaging in a circle jerk without Roebuck's permission. He insisted on being there to show them how to do it properly and ensure that all masturbation was performed in a disciplined and orderly manner.
