Sunday 29 January 2012

Gordon Ramsay's Dwarf Porn Double Found Dead in a Badger Den

If I’m going to read a tabloid newspaper, this is the type of article I want to see, not hypocritical exposes of celebrities taking drugs or criminal thefts of private data such as the medical condition of Gordon Brown’s son.
I don’t really care if it turns out not to be true, as later discovered. If I’m flicking through a tabloid, I don’t expect to believe everything I read.
People don’t expect the highest standards of journalism from tabloids. However, if you’re not going to check your facts or even if you fabricate them, at least make the copy legal, harmless and amusing.
I won’t describe the article in detail. It’s funnier to read it yourself. One thing that particularly cracked me up was the claim that the dwarf Ramsay look alike starred in “the X-rated movie Hi Ho! Hi Ho! It’s Up Your Arse We Go!
The dwarf porn actor pictured in the article does exist, however his name may not be Percy Foster and unfortunately the above title appears not to exist, an oversight which will hopefully be soon rect(um)ified. The actor’s stage name is Joey The Midget and he did appear in The Adventures of Big Schlong & The Little Dong

Monday 23 January 2012

Outsourcing Technical Jobs To The Third World Will Ultimately Cost More Than It Saves

There are times when companies need to restructure their operations and cut staff or even whole departments if capital is scare and a particular business unit cannot be competitive on a risk / return basis. There are also situations where staff cuts are a result of sheer bloody mindedness from short sighted management who do not fully understand the underlying issues and the consequences of their actions.
When a piece of software is created, Testing Services simulates how customers will use it. They test the workflow ie. Do all the boxes on the screen accept the desired type of information and correctly perform the intended operations? Is there sufficient help to show the user what to do? Does the entered data save where it is supposed to? Does it retrieve properly? Do new screens pop up when they are supposed to?
They also try to break the software. That is, they enter data in unintended formats or make the wrong choices on the screen and see if the programmers have written the proper error handling routines to not only prevent the software from crashing, but to explain the error to the user and in some cases, autocorrect.
In a bank, this means enterprise level software: internet banking, account management systems for tellers, loan application and processing systems. There are serious reputational consequences if any bugs slip through and the software crashes in the live environment.
The point is, testing software like this is not a purely robotic exercise. It requires knowledge of both the business processes supported by the software and the needs and competence of the end users.
To whom are Westpac outsourcing these tasks? The Indian (now global) IT consulting firms Tata Consultancy Services and Infosys. If you believe the claims these firms make about their industry experience, it might seem they have the skills to handle comprehensive testing of enterprise level banking software.
If you read quotes from the redundant Westpac staff, reality is somewhat different:
The new recruits don't have any experience in testing systems and most of them have never worked in a bank.
It is extremely demoralising to train people who are highly incompetent to take your own role. We get constant stupid questions every single day. Basic tasks that we are expected to perform they can't perform.
Westpac management will probably try to spin these comments as sour grapes, but their “Head of Employee Relations” ie. Head of Payroll, Michael Johnston gives it away when he says: “You will appreciate that there may be a greater level of assistance expected as part of any transition activities”.
Great work, Michael! Replace a department of experienced workers who know the business and can easily be walked through the business requirements and functional design documents with a bunch of data entry operators with no banking industry experience and no knowledge of Australian consumers. The developers will now have to spec out the testing in such minute detail that they may as well write a set of automated test scripts themselves and do away with Tata and Infosys altogether.
Additionally, Westpac’s “employee relations” will now be poisonous across the whole IT department as no-one will feel they can trust management. But Michael Johnston will get a bonus at the end of the year, won’t he?
Although I see this instance as a gross abuse of management authority, I can also see where in house IT departments contribute to themselves being seen as bloated cost centres.
Dealing with IT in a large corporation can make even the Buddha want to get a gun and blast away. They too often have a culture of absurd bureaucracy and little sense of commercial realities, such as the need for back and forth during development.
Usually, their Design Costing Team or similar will estimate such overinflated timings and man power requirements for each task that with transfer pricing requiring actual expense items against departmental budgets, managers often canvas outsourcing the job.
Economically, that would be OK if the outsourcing was to a local firm, with specific expertise and the ability to communicate quickly and easily.
My experience of working with Indian IT firms is that they are robotic. Everything must be specified to such minute detail that you may as well write the code yourself. Although there are some very good Indian IT people, you won’t be working with any of these. The people you will actually deal with have no understanding of your business processes or customer requirements. Their code is inelegant, highly repetitious and poorly commented. Large slabs appear to have been copied from other programs. Mistakes are covered up and denied.
What will be the cost of all the extra time dealing with the new problems created by the outsourcing? I’ll bet Westpac didn’t factor that in.
Will Westpac now hold more capital for operational risk, given the lower quality of the IT product testing? Of course not. They will probably deny the quality is lower.
I’ll bet they also didn’t factor in the drop in productivity due to decreased employee morale. What an unbelievable insult! To be made redundant and then asked to train your clearly less competent replacement, as well as being required to be party to sending another Australian job to a low wage, third world country, thus lowering the standard of living for most Australians, while helping some oily cunt in senior management meet their ill conceived KPIs.
The Head of HR’s response? “Staff need to act professionally in assisting their replacements”.
How about they act in a rational economic, business like manner instead? That is, you fuck me, I’ll fuck you.
  • If you have sick days owing, you won’t get paid out for any unused ones. Call in sick. Go to a doctor and tell them how stressed and depressed you are, how after putting on your suit to go to work, you literally had to run to the bathroom to vomit from the sheer weight you felt descend upon you. Ask to be referred to a counselor and go on stress leave. A slew of stress leave applications will soon have someone’s outsourcing scheme (and KPIs) in a mess.
  • If you do go to work, work only the required hours. Work as slowly as possible while you’re there. Take a long lunch. What are they going to do? Fire you?
  • Delete any documents you have created from the system. Management won’t even know they are there to ask you about why they are gone.
  • When training your replacement, make your explanations as cursory and ambiguous as possible. Then you can blame any failure to learn on the inexperience of your replacement, or a language problem. If you’re really feeling aggrieved, leave out important information on each system. You can even tell your replacement things that are wrong as long as you don’t do it in writing. There will be no proof the other party just didn’t simply misunderstand.
Management has shown its staff no loyalty. Why should it expect any in return?
If we want to maintain our relatively high standard of living, Western countries cannot keep outsourcing jobs to low paying countries. There are many more people in those countries than there are of us. Their ability to train sufficient numbers of people to perform any given standard of job is faster than is our ability to retrain our own people to do a higher standard of job.
This is where the classical theory of comparative advantage breaks down. Third world countries will replicate our manufacturing and service industries, not develop complementary industries. They will work for much cheaper wages. This may seem irrational to classical economists, but the cost of the "inefficiency" now will be repaid in the future when they gain market share. Because they have so much larger populations, only a small percentage of them need to gain equivalent levels of competency as our domestic workforce, but almost all of our workforce will need to constantly retrain.
This dynamic is not sustainable. It can only result in lower wages for most Westerners and thus increasing income and wealth disparity and social division.
Large sections of our manufacturing industries have gone overseas. Now our service industries are following. What will be left outside of small business? Medicine, law and real estate. Sport? Mining and tourism, the public service, plus a few senior management positions in finance and insurance?
Liberalism does not imply the absence of the government from the economy. An unregulated market for large corporations does not necessarily create better economic outcomes, either for most citizens or for the economy as a whole.
A free society requires many balances in the distribution of power within, so that citizens believe they have a genuine stake in that society and will derive an acceptable reward for an honest effort in life. This will not happen if we commit economic suicide by allowing the management of large corporations to keep sending jobs overseas in order to increase their bonuses.
Corporations need to support the structure of the society which allows them their prosperity. They cannot make record profits while outsourcing jobs and expect citizens to not demand laws to curb their behaviour.
This is one area where the government needs to involve itself in the economy. Apply a punitive, default payroll tax to any jobs deemed to be outsourced to countries without comparable wages and working conditions. A certain number of jobs need to be kept onshore. Large companies like Westpac can view the extra cost as a proxy super profits tax. Actually, it doesn’t matter how they view it. Their profits are sufficient and the salaries of their senior management already excessive.

Sunday 15 January 2012

Should Begging Be Legal?

In what circumstances should begging be legal in a liberal society?
The civil right to per se ask people for money is not purely a freedom of speech matter because the beggar is asking someone else to do something. However, if the begging is not intimidating, what is being asked of the other person is a very small action, en par with requests in a host of acceptable social transactions. It is merely a small request, which the other party can simply refuse.
Are there circumstances in which a request which can be refused should not be allowed? How about walking up to women (and men) on the street and offering them $100 to suck your cock?
The reason this is not allowed in current liberal societies is because the vast majority of people would not only find the request highly offensive, but intimidating, even were it made very politely. In fact, the asker could be arrested and charged with offensive behaviour or public nuisance. Perhaps in some future society eg. the utopian Fingertonia, it will not be such an unusual request, but it clearly is today.
My point here is that a request made of a complete stranger should be legal even if a negligible proportion of people would accede to it, as long as it is not offensive or intimidating to a material percentage of people.
Suppose two people with a microphone and video camera came up to you and said: “Hey! We’re filming for a new TV show and we need someone to let us pour baked beans all over them for a skit. Do you want to do it?”
The vast majority of people would say “no”. A few might even be offended or worried. But if the request was made in a jovial way, most people would laugh and walk on. Very few of us would think such conduct should be illegal.
Well, if that shouldn’t be illegal, why should a polite, non-aggressive request for money?
The argument that begging embarrasses the society and therefore should be illegal belongs in a conservative philosophy, not liberalism. If people are begging because they are out of work and there is clearly insufficient state support, a liberal society should be embarrassed. If some people are begging because they are lazy, a liberal society should be sufficiently confident to not find this embarrassing in the first place: a large population will always produce some bludgers.
The question of whether begging should be legal in a philosophy of liberalism is distinct from whether or not people should beg or give money to beggars.
Almost all liberal societies recognize the need for the state to provide unemployment benefits and aged and disability pensions. This is because we see that often, people lose their jobs because their company goes out of business. They have no control over this. Many people who are disabled are born that way or become so as a result of accidents, often with another party at fault. Some people are just too old to work.
The citizens of liberal societies will consequently pay taxes toward social security. Political debate is not about the existence of social security, but the amount and scope of benefits.
Even if you think begging should be legal in a liberal society, whether you believe people should actually beg depends on whether or not you think the social security is adequate. That means two things. Firstly, that benefits are sufficient and secondly, that sufficient misadventures are caught by the safety net. Suppose someone has a rare disease whose treatment is not covered by the public health system or insurance. Is it OK for them to beg?
I bloody well would. Whether you do it on the street or on the internet just depends on your level of education and self respect.
If your personal view is that the beggar in question is undeserving, then just refuse. It’s not hard. People need to be strong about this. Don’t cave in and give some scab money because you’re too gutless to handle even minor confrontation. That’s what the beggar is relying on.
If enough people just say “no” and walk on, begging will become not worth the effort. That’s how a mature, liberal society should react to begging if it becomes annoying.
Last year there was an old lady who stood begging on a very high traffic corner near my office. She looked at least 80. I felt sorry for her and gave her the $1 I had in change. I saw her again a few days later, so I gave her what change I had.
Then I saw her the next day. She recognized me and held out her wicker basket. I just said: “It’s not a job, love.”
This is my point. I initially felt sorry for her because she was obviously too decrepit to work. Clearly, so did a lot of other people. Then she started seeing begging as a job, which they all will if rewarded. So I stopped giving her money.
If everyone does the same, begging won’t be worth the effort. This is how a liberal society should combat begging if we don’t want people to beg: subtly and maturely. There is no need for a general law.
What should be illegal in a liberal society is invasive begging. This not only means being persistent or aggressive, but also sitting in a thoroughfare.
The above means the beggar’s behaviour is unreasonably deleterious to others’ amenity. Liberalism is not just about civil rights; it is equally about civic duties. The balance between the two is what is intended to facilitate social cohesion. Citizens have the duty not to unreasonably impose their behaviour on others, so that those others can exercise their right to freedom of speech, action and movement. This includes not being pestered by fuckwits.

Friday 13 January 2012

Ignorant Media Sensationalism Helps Promote Japanese Whalers' Lies

With typical media ignorance and sensationalism, the reporting of the Sea Shepherd “acid attack” on the Japanese whaling boats completely misrepresents the severity and intent of the actions.
Headlines such as “Acid Attack On Japanese Whaling Boat” and “Activists Attack Whaling Boat With Acid” conjure up images of highly corrosive chemicals being thrown by people in attacks akin to terrorism. This is an utterly false representation of the so called “attacks”.
The “acid” in question is butyric acid. Its pH is around 4.8, making it about as corrosive as lemon juice. The reason Sea Shepherd is using it is that it smells like a mix of rancid butter and vomit. If fact, anaerobic bacteria can produce it from butter as it goes off.
A small amount of background research is all that is required to understand the above. Even if newspaper editors don’t know basic, high school chemistry (which they probably don’t), is there some reason they could not have checked their facts? Asked Sea Shepherd what chemicals they used? Looked on the internet to verify their claims? Rang a chemistry department at any university?
Why hysterically sensationalise the events? Do the editors support the killing of whales? If so, tell us explicitly.
The media is supposed to report the truth. That is, accurately report events and what people say and do, not skew descriptions and coverage so that the intentions of actions are misconstrued.
The characterisation of the “attacks” as “dangerous and violent” by the absurdly named Japanese Institute of Cetacean Research, representing the whalers, are self serving lies and should be reported as such. To do so is not unbalanced editorialising; there is ample, easily available evidence that butyric acid is just extremely smelly.
What papers does this “Institute” write? The Use of Mirin as a Marinade for Whale Meat perhaps? Actually, here are their publications. In the past few years, they are either surveys of whale numbers or reports on how the whales are killed.
The latter is not necessary to do the former.
If Eskimos in Greenland, Canada or Siberia kill a few whales from non-endangered species, maybe we shouldn’t stop them. But there is no justification for people from one of the most prosperous countries on Earth killing whales to eat them as a delicacy in the 21st century. The Japanese can easily grow and import sufficient food obtained via humane farming methods. They do not need to eat whales and we should tell them so.
At a government level Australia can do little other than make diplomatic representations to or publicly embarrass the Japanese if they hunt in international waters. However, their whaling boats are regularly in our waters and have ignored our demands to leave. Many other countries would respond militarily to this violation of territorial sovereignty and we should do the same.
The Australian government should send a destroyer or a couple of frigates down to Macquarie Island and run the Japanese off. What is the Japanese government going to do? Boycott our miners? Good luck with that!
Currently, Japan needs Australia as a trading partner a lot more than we need them. The Australian government needs to realize this and act strongly. It is the only language the Japanese authorities understand.
As for activists boarding Japanese vessels in international waters, they might see themselves as operating under a higher law, but I think they are unfortunately going to find out otherwise. Australia has had a succession of extremely weak willed governments, who have consistently demonstrated an abjectly spineless unwillingness to assertively assist our citizens when held or charged by foreign powers. I’m not sure I’d be boarding a foreign vessel in international waters if I couldn’t rely on meaningful support from my government.

Wednesday 11 January 2012

You Know She's Right ...

Teresa Gambaro caused predictable outrage, but anyone who has ever walked into a public toilet knows she’s right, though.
Although off the cuff and consequently ill thought out in terms of delivery, Teresa Gambaro’s suggestion that migrants be taught the Australian norms of hygiene and social etiquette is not unreasonable. The claim that they already know such things is directly contradicted by evidence from Australians' everyday experience.
Despite the self righteous indignation from members of the Labour Party (I suggest more about winning votes than their privately held opinion after entering a public toilet) and manufactured outrage from the very people who in my experience would do well to heed the advice, many Westerners would be thinking they are glad somebody said what needs to be said.
It’s not that hard:
·         Don’t piss on the toilet seat. If you’re a male, that means lift it up before you wee (and put both seats back down after you have finished). Don’t squat on the fucking thing (women included), putting your dirty shoe prints all over it and possibly some piss drips and a turd streak. That’s what third world peasants do. Who would want to sit down after you have done that? Do you even care about the amenity of your fellow human beings? (I know the answer is “No”).
I once taught at a university with a large number of Asian students. In one building which did not have separate toilets for staff, the women lecturers refused to use them. They walked back to main campus. They said the common toilets were far filthier than they had ever seen at any pub ... the seats covered in footprints and piss, even streaks from badly aimed bombs. The cleaners ended up complaining to management.
In case anyone tries to continue the paper thin pretence that Asians weren't responsible, the sandal footprints were the damning evidence. Don't pretend that saying so is racist either. No-one is implying their DNA is the cause. These are cultural problems.
The university sector is traditionally one of the most egregious bastions of political correctness. However, Swansea University has given in to reality and placed signs in toilets showing its foreign students how to use them. They actually admitted the problem was due to "foreign students" and blamed "cultural differences".
Of course, someone was going to complain. Some dopey (white) students described the posters as "ridiculous" and "belittling". They're not aimed at you, stupid. A good example of the phrase: "Plenty of education, but no brains."
Perhaps they realised who the posters were actually aimed at, but couldn't even bring themselves to voice the racial / cultural connection, lest their ideologically based world view be contradicted by evidence.
Civilized people sit on the toilet. We may or may not read the Daily Telegraph at the same time … that is our choice. The point is that when we have finished our business, the only trace of our presence is a warm dunny seat and a few stray farts. If you genuinely wish to join the civilized world, this is how you should “do your business”.
Having just returned from Hong Kong (proper toilets) and China (squatting over a hole in the ground), it is fairly obvious the former is the result of the civilizing, British influence.
You copy everything from university assignments to handbags to movies and electronic equipment … why can’t you just copy one of the few things we want you to?
·         Wear deodorant. It’s not racist. If you eat different food, you smell differently. I’d expect the same advice if I lived in a foreign country and the locals thought I smelled … In fact, I’d be mortified and try to figure out a way to not smell.
I sat next to a girl from India in a Physics tutorial once (could have been from any one of a number of lands – nothing in particular about India). It was March and 30oC. I tried, but could not cope, so I had to get up and move. She was embarrassed. The alternative was (quite genuinely) vomiting. Her smell was appalling. I don’t know for certain whether or not some young, Indian guy would have loved it, but I’m friends with quite a few Indians and they tell me I did nothing wrong.
·         Don’t push in. This edict encompasses a variety of queueing practice. Civilized people recognise who has precedence by time of arrival and wait in an orderly and generally patient manner based on the aforesaid precept (unless some selfish, ignorant fuckwit is causing a problem).
We wait until people get out of the lift / train / bus / tram before we get in / on. If you are incapable of doing this, I’m guessing you’re Asian or Arab.
Don’t push straight to the front when there is a group of people needing service. You may receive a punch in the face (which is not an admission that Fingo has done this).
·         Don’t automatically respond to conflict by telling lies. This is really a subject of a separate blog, however note this: we know you are lying and you are losing more face by lying and trying to front it out than saying you are sorry (if you really are in the wrong).
·         Don’t think that your "community" is entitled to special rights or to have rules altered because they conflict with "your culture". We don't reserve parliamentary seats for certain religious or ethnic communities. We don't create separate areas of the beach just for women. In some situations, people are required to show their face for identification.
Should we not give this advice (in some terms) to prospective visitors?
Suppose we discount the self interested lies and pandering for the ethnic vote which is currently the province of the left. Should we really resile from asking people to refrain from squatting and pissing on the toilet seat, smelling like Beelzebub's arsehole and pushing into queues?
I don’t know about you, but I’m not really that concerned if someone who is not Australian is insulted, or confects it. There are certain, basic social norms to which prospective immigrants must adhere or face censure.
It does not matter if a cabal of left wing academics, politicians, lawyers and journalists deems that people who are not from the majority social group (white, Anglo Saxon, Protestant derived) have been discriminated against or vilified by telling them how the majority expects them to behave. The set of acceptable social norms should be presented and citizens should be able to challenge them at their will. Other citizens should be able to criticise deviations from these social norms if they want to. Given adequate, democratic mechanisms, there should be no conflict with the most basic precept of freedom of speech.
Update: Learn to speak English.
Despite the dishonest and self serving criticism levelled at her, Teresa Gambaro has followed up with the quite reasonable observation that migrants should learn English and would probably experience less racism if they do, as it would help them get to know people in the wider community.
How terribly racist! Learn to speak the local language so you can get to know people better and find it easier to fit in? How patronising! But migrants don't have to "fit in" to our multicultural system, do they? "Fit in" is one of crypto-imperialism's standard codes for assimilation and assimilation is a racist policy.
Last week she observed that: "we are talking about hygiene and what is an acceptable norm in this country when you are working closely with other co-workers", which means "don't squat on and piss all over the toilet seat and flush when you have finished".
Stalwart of the lunar left, Kate Lundy provided a salient example of the type of irrational logical inversion sensible, honest people are up against with her response: "She should not blame the victim for the crime".
If I have to go to another floor just to have a shit because the toilets are unusable after about 10.30am and if the cleaners are complaining to management, we're the fucking victims!
The perpetrators are the ones who can't use a public toilet in a civilized manner. Let's not pretend they are Westerners.

Sunday 1 January 2012


If you want to see an example of extreme wogginess and why the word “wog” is used in the derogatory context it often is, read my piece on Uzzy.
There are many left wing, Harriet Harman style, police state New Labourites who would have conniptions after reading the first paragraph. “Racial vilification! Incitement to racial hatred! We must launch a prosecution!”
Yes, we mustn’t even utter derogatory ethnic descriptors, even in the context of analyzing why people use them and what they really mean by them.
So, what does the word “wog” actually mean?
Different things to different people.
In some people’s minds, “wog” means anyone from the Mediterranean, south eastern Europe, the Middle East, right across to Bangladesh, so it is a general ethnic descriptor. From Italy to Uzbekistan: Moroccans, Algerians, Egyptians, Armenians, Turks, Greeks, Serbs, Croats, Hungarians, Albanians, Romanians, Iranians, Pakistanis, Afghanistanis, Tajikistanis … all wogs.
Generally, people who subscribe to this view hold that there are good wogs and bad wogs, just like there are good and bad white people.
If someone who holds this view says “all wogs are bad”, then this is wrong, because I know many “good wogs”, if we use the term in this sense.
On the other hand, there are those for whom “wog” is pejorative. It is a combination of ethnicity and stereotyped behaviour (such as Uzzy’s). Consequently, they can encounter two people of identical ethnic background and regard one as a wog and the other not, due to their different behaviour and outlook on life.
There are also people for whom usage of the word is more nuanced. They will often use it as a general ethnic descriptor, even in friendly conversation with wogs who use it to refer to both each other and what they know is viewed as stereotypical “woggy” behaviour.
The adjective woggy can range from slightly to very negative. A bloke from the Mediterranean or Middle East strutting about cockily and wearing a shirt that’s a little bit too tight, or a shiny suit would be described as woggy. A girl dressing and behaving like Snooki from Jersey Shore would be the female counterpart. Jersey Shore is actually built around the guido / guidette stereotype, which is a subgenre of wogs. Look at Pauly D. He may be a decent enough guy (I don’t watch the show), but he’s certainly pretty woggy … and who else but a wog would nickname themselves “The Situation”?
If all they are doing is making a bit of a goose of themselves by harmlessly acting like a stereotype, the word wog would be used by both wogs and non-wogs alike, knowing it had a slightly negative connotation, but without it being genuinely nasty.
In Australia, we see such usage in comedy shows like The Wog Boys or Fat Pizza. These are in fact more strongly negative stereotypes, made by wogs who freely refer to themselves as wogs.
Stereotypes exist because many of their elements apply to many people in the stereotyped group. Many stereotyped behaviours are culturally learned.
Most people are followers. They learn most of their behaviour by copying other members of the group to which they perceive they belong. People recognize ethnicity and this is a potent grouping mechanism. This is how stereotyped “ethnic” behaviour is transmitted.
So what do people mean when they use the word wog in a strongly pejorative sense?
Wogs teach each other Uzzy style posturing; putting on a front. Just watch a group of young wog guys at a train station or in a shopping centre. It’s like they will have a personality crisis if no one is paying attention to them for more than ten seconds.
In some way, such behaviour must derive rewards within their social groups, because otherwise it would not survive. The women in their groups must at the very least reinforce it with some kind of approval, even if it’s just tacit agreement with the male pecking order.
Talking yourself up, puffing out your chest, being aggressive when in large groups, being bickeringly argumentative, dishonesty in business dealings, no shame about cheating in general or making false accusations, rigid views of what constitutes appropriate female behaviour … all stereotypical wog, male behaviour, if you’re using the word as pejorative.
In Australia, we’re seeing a big problem with young, Middle Eastern, often Lebanese males. With massive chips on their shoulders, so many of them strut around in large groups, mouthing off, acting tough, encouraging each other. All very brave boys in packs of 10 or 20, they’ll yell insults or flick cigarette butts at people as they walk past. They’ll do it to white women as well. If someone says something to them, they will bash them “for respect”, if there are no police or security cameras around. Some even decided it was OK to gang rape white girls because they were Australian.
These people are wogs and it’s wogs like these that make people look down on wogs.
Having said that, most people understand that most wogs aren’t like that. Unfortunately, people who witness it on a regular basis are drawn to thinking: “Yeah, but too many of them are.”
Although there are white kids who mouth off and cause trouble when in groups, the above behaviour is generally at odds with that of people from Asian or North Western European backgrounds, with more stoic social behavioural norms. It’s also far more prevalent, which is evidence of cultural problems.
Woggy countries have rampant corruption compared to north western European derived societies. It is not uncommon for police or others in positions of power to falsely accuse people to extract bribes or to avenge some perceived slight. Of course, this is also common in Asia and Africa, probably even more so.
If you use the general ethnic descriptor definition of “wog”, then many wogs reject the above behaviour in the same way as most people of Anglo Saxon background reject “yobs”. To say that all wogs behave like the above is like saying all Australians are yobs.
If you think that “wogs” means people from a certain set of ethnic backgrounds who also behave like the above, then in the sense that people have free will, some people choose to be wogs.
In this usage, some Australians choose to be bogans. If you want an example, look at the lives and behaviour of the people in the Macquarie Fields riots.
I know quite a few people of Italian descent who used to be comfortable making light hearted wog jokes and engaging in a bit of banter, usually initiated by them. Now they’re not so sure they want to be associated with the word. They would rather be thought of as European (by descent).
Why the change?
Italian and Greek migrants were the first large groups of wogs in Australia. When they first started arriving en masse after the Second World War, they hated being called wogs. Eventually they claimed the word and ameliorated it.
Now, we have many North African and Middle Eastern wogs in Western countries. These are different kinds of wogs. Without the Christian, European background, most have very alien cultural behaviour and perspectives on life. Often Islamic, aggressive and separatist, they are genuinely disliked. The Italian and Greek wogs don’t want the guilt by association.
As Australia starts to have significantly increasing numbers of second (and more) generation Australians not just from woggy countries, but also from Asia, I’ve noticed the word wog becoming a bit passé, largely because it is so general that it lacks the descriptive nuance for genuine discrimination.
People of second or third generation Italian or Greek descent who still have a few “old country” cultural characteristics are technically wogs, but they aren’t nearly as woggy as first generation Lebanese immigrants, for example. “Traditional” Aussies ie. those of Anglo-Saxon or Aboriginal background tend to see the former as Aussies these days, probably from a subconscious reasoning that the cultural distance from “us” to Italian Aussies is small compared to the gulf between “us” and Middle Eastern Muslims.
In large part, that’s the purpose racial slang really serves: it’s subconscious, categorical reasoning about which people are like each other and different from me and how different they are.
There’s no point trying to stamp it out per the left’s goal of controlling behaviour by controlling language and the structures available to parse thought. I’m sure they think they have had a lot of success with this strategy in places like the UK, but they will only ever police the public utterances of people who speak the dominant language. Immigrants will continue to use their own racist epithets, then manufacture hypocritical offence at the ones we use to describe them.