Sunday 29 January 2012

Gordon Ramsay's Dwarf Porn Double Found Dead in a Badger Den

If I’m going to read a tabloid newspaper, this is the type of article I want to see, not hypocritical exposes of celebrities taking drugs or criminal thefts of private data such as the medical condition of Gordon Brown’s son.
I don’t really care if it turns out not to be true, as later discovered. If I’m flicking through a tabloid, I don’t expect to believe everything I read.
People don’t expect the highest standards of journalism from tabloids. However, if you’re not going to check your facts or even if you fabricate them, at least make the copy legal, harmless and amusing.
I won’t describe the article in detail. It’s funnier to read it yourself. One thing that particularly cracked me up was the claim that the dwarf Ramsay look alike starred in “the X-rated movie Hi Ho! Hi Ho! It’s Up Your Arse We Go!
The dwarf porn actor pictured in the article does exist, however his name may not be Percy Foster and unfortunately the above title appears not to exist, an oversight which will hopefully be soon rect(um)ified. The actor’s stage name is Joey The Midget and he did appear in The Adventures of Big Schlong & The Little Dong

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