Wednesday 11 April 2012

Islam May Not Be So Bad After All

With most religions, it’s the culture which interprets them that is the real problem.
An interpretation of religion which encourages a man to have sex with all of his wives at the same time seems fairly sensible to me, particularly if it also suggests his wives indulge in a bit of lesbianism to further please their husband. The same pamphleteers also encourage wives to be “obedient”, presumably with some strictly applied spanking able to be meted out if they are not.
Suicide bombers? Cutting off hands? Banning alcohol? What the fuck are you Muslims doing? Get this pamphlet out there as widely as you can. We can all stop fighting right now. You can keep the driving ban on women though, particularly now we might get a flying car.
With modern, Western countries legalizing gay marriage, there is no reason why we should not also legalize polygamy. Then someone could convert to Islam, interpret it through the lens of our open, libertarian culture and have 2 husbands and 2 wives. Or they could convert to Mormonism and have 11 husbands and 14 wives.
Christ only knows what will go on inside the White House if Mitt Romney gets elected.

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