Friday 15 June 2012

Idiot Of The Month #1: Sack Judy Beckworth

One might well ask how a primary school principal could even form the belief that a blanket no physical contact policy between all students is reasonable, let alone go ahead and actually institute it. Yes, that’s right: Mt. Martha Primary School principal Judy Beckworth has imposed a policy that no physical contact at all is allowed between students.
No footy, no tag, hugging, holding hands or even high fives. One pupil was reprimanded on Wednesday after putting his arm around a mate who had been winded.
Students caught breaking the no-contact policy were taken from the playground and given a lecture about safety and the risks of rough play.
"They are given time to reflect - it's like a counselling session," said Principal Judy Beckworth.
Reflect on what? That all physical contact is wrong? What psychological damage is being done to these children when they are punished for normal behaviour, particularly as they are being “counselled” by people who are clearly not fit to tell anyone how to live their life, much less influence children during a vulnerable period of their social development?
This is utter lunacy. Left wing, PC nanny statism taken to a degree of absurdity one would only think possible in a satire.
Humans are apes. Have you ever seen apes play? Physical contact is normal and healthy, unless it is excessively aggressive or sexual in nature; these having always been against human social rules. But socialists believe that our “base”, biological behaviour is responsible for aggression, greed, racism, sexism and everything else on their bewilderingly long list of social evils. Consequently, societies need an even longer list of rules to alter our culture and direct human behaviour.
Can you imagine the weak, neurotic, emotionally stilted society which would be produced if this policy and others of the same intent were widely implemented for a generation of schoolchildren?
How was this policy allowed to be implemented? Why didn’t the Victorian Education Minister, Martin Dixon immediately telephone the principal with the message: “Draft your resignation letter”?
This is the kind of left wing lunacy which is now prevalent in the UK after 13 years of “modern Labor” and its nanny state socialism. It is precisely what people voting for a Liberal - National government expect it to prevent.
Yet Martin Dixon has so far refused to intervene, citing independence of school decision making or some other mealy mouthed excuse for his inaction. He’s not a disinterested party: his electorate of Nepean is right next door. Perhaps a healthy dose of the views of the citizenry is needed to get him off his taxpayer funded arse. An artificial spine to help him stand up might also be required.
Disturbingly, Judy Beckwoth said that “The community had overreacted" and “I don't see what we have done as unreasonable".
“Don’t see what we have done as unreasonable” … To me, evidence of a mind so out of touch with reality that she cannot remain teaching young children.
Judy Beckworth must be sacked. To even think of forcing such rules on children is so unnatural and so far from a normal world view that it suggests a deeply disturbed psyche. In my opinion, such people are a danger to children. They should not be allowed to influence their development in any way, much less be employed as a principal of a primary school.
When public servants or politicians impose policies such as this, which reflect their extremist, highly skewed and often emotionally disturbed world views, citizens must respond aggressively if we do not want our freedoms further eroded. I don’t mean with violence, but well organized and with the clearly transmitted intent of removing such people from any decision making capacity before they can do any more damage.
It is not enough to merely be outraged. Lefties who want to control economic and social interactions with a vast system of policies and rules are insidious. They are a cancer which inexorably destroys every aspect of human freedom and must be weeded out from the positions of power and influence they seek to occupy. People like Judy Beckworth are not harmless cranks: they do real and lasting damage, in this case to people whose well being society should place at the top of its priorities.
Parents should firstly instruct their children to ignore the rule and write to the principal and Victorian Dept of Education, threatening legal action if their child is punished or in any way harassed for engaging in normal physical contact. There ought to be sufficiently many wealthy, well educated parents in Mount Martha to make this a credible threat.
Contact MP Martin Dixon and make sure he is acutely aware of the level of community anger and the necessity that he act decisively, if he wants any votes at the next election. Next, organize a demonstration at the school, calling for Judy Beckworth’s immediate dismissal. Make her position untenable. If necessary, apply to have your children transfer to a neighbouring school. If enough parents do this, the education minister will be forced to act and only one person need leave the school.
Is it so surprising governments are having so much trouble implementing more flexible policies in state school systems when the Teachers’ Federations are inhabited by insane clowns like Judy Beckworth? How could you ever have a rational discussion with such people?
Better to identify them, sack them all in one go, put up with the industrial action and start afresh. The future consequences of allowing such people to influence the intellectual and social development of our children are too great to merely be outraged in private.

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