Friday 28 December 2012

Publish The Names And Addresses Of The Journal News Staff On The NRA Website

In the aftermath of the Newtown, CT shooting, some left wing smart arses at upstate New York local paper The Journal News decided to publish the names and addresses of all registered handgun permit holders in Westchester and Rockland counties, information which is available on public record.
Ooh! Here are all the evil gun owners in our community! These are the crazy, right wing people we need to be scared of. Don’t let your children go over to play in a house with guns in it!
Janet Hasson, the paper’s publisher, said:
“We felt sharing information about gun permits in our area was important in the aftermath of the Newtown shootings.”
You sanctimonious, incompetent, middle class lefty fuckwits! Not only have you provided criminals a detailed map of houses worth burgling, you’ve omitted all the houses which contain rifles and shotguns, which for some reason do not require a permit. So, now we know who owns a pistol (almost certainly for sports shooting or self defence), but not who owns an assault rifle, the usual weapon of choice for massacres.
The gun owners were of course furious. They seem to have the support of most of the community.
Maybe gun owners will feel it’s important to “share information” about the social engineering, lefty hand wringers in their area who want to pillory and scapegoat them for exercising their LEGAL right under the 2nd amendment.
One of the intentions of the 2nd amendment was to facilitate the formation of militia, not just for defence against invasion, but against tyrannical government (having just won independence from Britain). Lefties would hold that the military is the US’s modern defence against invasion and that, being a democracy, there is no longer a requirement for defence against tyrannical government. Given that lefties tend to be constructivist rule makers who exclude dissenters from their rule making committees (and therefore don’t really believe in democracy), I’m not so sure defence against tyrannical government is no longer necessary.
There is a high level of gun ownership in Switzerland, Germany, Austria and Scandanavia, without anywhere near the same level of gun homicides as in the USA. People can own guns without shooting each other at high rates. The problem in the USA is not guns: it's the level of fear and anger in social interactions; something which visitors can sense.
Don't let the lefties turn the US into a UK style, international socialist lawyers' nanny state which puts the rights and identity politics of minorities above the dominant culture. If you do, you'll probably need the 2nd amendment when the first Muslim president tries to introduce sharia law in 2112.
Perhaps the NRA should publish on its website photographs, names, addresses, car registrations, social security numbers etc of all the staff at the Journal News. These hypocrites will scream blue murder when given a taste of their own medicine, of course.
“Oh, but that’s purely to harass and intimidate us for legitimate journalism. You fascists!”
Legitimate journalism? Political campaigning masquerading as journalism, more like it … and your publication of gun owners’ addresses had no intention of eliciting any intimidation of them via social censure.
Let’s see how much you smart arsed wankers really do like freedom of information.
Update: Ha! Ha! It didn't take long. Gun owners have published the Journal News staff's names, addresses and telephone numbers. Maybe one more burst of anger in social interactions is necessary before American society embarks on some serious self examination.

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