Saturday 13 April 2013

Fingo On Twitter

It only took two years, but Brian Fingerton has gotten himself a Twitter account, with the handle @brianfingerton.
When Twitter started, I thought it was largely stupid, but would be successful. I still do.
What can 140 characters usefully do but advertise articles, events or goods for sale? But of course, millions of stupid people use it to spout billions of vacuous and often erroneous assertions, or to flame each other. That is why Twitter has been and will continue to be successful. This was obvious from day one, because that’s what most people are like: too lazy and ignorant to construct thoughts which require more than 140 characters to communicate.
I’m not planning to say anything that doesn’t appear on RTBB; just advertise posts.
So, loyal RTBB readers, please follow that tweetin’ Fingo bird for RTBB updates.

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