Tuesday 3 December 2013

Surely You Jest, Kim

Kim Kardashian is “mortified” by the public’s reaction to her appearing topless in Kanye West’s video? A shamelessly tacky self promoter who in many people’s opinion contrived to “leak” her own sex tape is “mortified” by the public’s reaction to her getting her tits out?
Are you serious? Being American and not Jewish, she therefore has no sense of irony, so I can only draw the conclusion she IS serious.
It gets better:
“Her sisters Kourtney and Khloe1 are also said to be stunned at their sibling's decision to bare her chest. They are thought to have questioned how it will affect Kim and Kanye's five-month-old daughter North when she's older.”
Of course, the entire family’s utter lack of class will not pose any problems for the child.
Kim Kardashian didn’t seem too mortified when the world was watching her sucking on a black man’s dick. Yes, she sued, but then took the cash. $5M of it. I wonder what Paris Hilton got for hers. Not a sausage, she claims. At least she put more effort into sucking a cock than Kimmy did.
Then Kimmy gave interviews about the tape. I find it very difficult to believe that in litigious modern America, if she were genuinely aggrieved, a family with that amount of money and legal contacts could not have made life very difficult for Ray J.
It makes me think the mother put her up to it. That woman is seriously fucked in the head. Effectively naming all her daughters after her, she seems to view them as extensions of herself. As far as I can tell, she constantly manipulates her daughters as some form of proxy attention seeking, although she seeks enough attention on her own. Who had the idea to make a show all about their family in the first place?
Wikipedia claims it was Ryan Seacrest, of American Idol fame. But why would he have thought of the Kardashians without some prompting? Keeping Up With The Kardashians was announced in August 2007, first aired in October and the sex tape appeared that February. The series would have taken some planning, even prior to filming and editing. When was the pitch to the studio made? Some time around February 2007, I’d suggest.
Read the synopsis of episode 4 of season 1: Kim’s Playboy shoot. Kris Jenner encourages her to do it and ends up in a shoot herself. Hmm …
Can we let Charles Manson out for a day? Tell him the letter K is evil.
1 The fat one.

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