Friday 11 July 2014

The Most Expensive Bubbly Todd Carney Ever Drank

One Rugby League club should decide that its supporter base is going to consist of yobbos and their sympathizers. Just ignore the wowsers and glorified soccer mums.
After the “There are some ladies here to put their heads in your pants” incident, I was sure the Bulldogs would take up the challenge. Now Todd Carney has given the Sharks the chance to differentiate themselves as a club and target a large and loyal demographic of Gen Y yobbos.
Getting drunk and pissing in your own mouth sets a new “gold standard” in comedic yobbery.
The art of “bubbling” has apparently been common amongst skaters for years. According to the SMH, it’s “huge”. It's also fucking funny - as long as somebody else does it.
Does Todd Carney really deserve to lose his playing contract and therefore his livelihood over a photo of him pissing in his own mouth in a pub toilet? Especially when some idiot of a mate snapped the picture, then “lost” his phone.
Judging by the spectrum of reactions, a lot of people think it’s too harsh a censure. The Facebook group Piss In Your Mouth For Todd Carney (including Fingo) demonstrated their support with practical action – more practical than the Greens policies, anyway. Unfortunately, the group seems to have been taken down.
People argue that a marquee player like Todd Carney is at a club to do more than play football. His high salary is a reward for drawing crowds and sponsors. That’s true. So just pay him the minimum NRL first grade wage of $80,000 a season, plus some incentive payments for on field performance. Cronulla should have been smart enough to structure his contract to accommodate large, at risk incentives, rather than simply sacking him.
Most fans don’t really care about players doing stupid, yobby things, as long as they are not hurting anyone else. We already know they are mostly morons. We only watch the games to see the football, not get a lesson in life.

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