Sunday 19 February 2012

What Is The Problem Here?

Porn is legal for adults. So is gambling. People who look at porn on the internet are more likely than the average person to want to gamble on the internet.
Shane Warne hardly has a saintly image. He’s a yobby bloke, good at sport and is banging a bird way out of the vast majority of men’s league1 and certainly far better looking than most of their wives2.
Now he has a legal online poker site, so he advertises it on porn sites.
So what is the problem here?
Is this confected opprobrium suggesting that porn is somehow worse than gambling? I fail to see how.
If Warnie was the face of Uncle Toby’s, people might have a point. But he’s not. He’s a beer, sport, sex and gambling type of bloke. It’s not illegal. In fact, it’s fun.
Is this manufactured shock because he has given his name to a children’s charity? So fucking what? The kids are probably happy that his poker site can help them. Frankly, he could release a sex tape of him and Liz Hurley if the proceeds went to a children’s medical charity. The (Lord and) Lady Godiva of the internet age.
Warnie can be a wanker at times, but he doesn’t deserve crap for making sensible marketing decisions for his legal business.
On that note, he’s very sensibly called the site and even offered $8 free credit to attract Asian gamblers. I’d invest in it if I could. It will probably make a fortune.
1 With the possible exception of Fingo
2 With the possible exception of Fingo’s


  1. I'd have to back up your point on Fingo being in a similar if not higher league than Hurley. Your well crafted blogs are a insync with your well forged body and rugged good looks.

  2. Resches, I reckon that with a bit off collusive betting, you and I could probably win Liz Hurley off Warnie in a high stakes poker game. Then she could find out just how good sex with cricketers can really be.
    She might even want to be a contestant (or one of the bums) on Thass Yo Ass!
